
Granby Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

4W Hedgehogs

Welcome to the 4W Hedgehog's class page! This is where amazing work from children in our class will be displayed, as well as photos from some of the fantastic learning opportunities in Year 4. Miss Walsh is the class teacher, Miss Farrell is the assistant teacher and Mr Tim is based in class as pastoral support. Miss Goulty teaches 4W one afternoon a week.


French - Learning a rap

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In French this week we became rappers! We were learning a rap about the weather to help us remember some new key vocabulary.

French - Learning the days of the week

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We practised learning the days of the week in French and looked closely at the correct pronunciation of each day.

Roman Day - We had a Roman soldier visit Year 4, where he taught us all about the Romans, how they lived and about the Roman army. He brought artefacts with him for us to look at and we even got to hold some of them.

Maths - Subtraction dice game.

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We are coming to the end of our addition and subtraction topic, where we have been focusing on using column method. As a starter, we played a dice game where children worked in pairs to roll a dice to create a 3 digit number, and to subtract this from 999.

English - We have been reading poem and practised freeze framing different stanzas of a poem called 'Cat-shots'

English - Poetry performance

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In English we have been studying poetry, looking at what makes a good poem, how to write our own and today we looked at how to perform a poem. After watching a poem performed, we worked in group do this ourselves and perform a poem, including our own made up actions.

English - Poetry performance

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English - Poetry performance

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English - Poetry performance

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Science: We conducted an experiment to find out how digestive juices impact food in the stomach. We did this by adding bread and water to a bag and squeezing the bag to represent what happens in the stomach. We found it very interesting looking at what happens to food when it's in our stomach.
