In the Nursery/Cubs the class teacher is Mrs Smith. Mrs Harris, Miss Booth and Miss Pawley are the assistant teachers/keyworkers and Mrs Clegg is an assistant teacher.
We all enjoy learning through play and spending time together, both indoors and outdoors, as well as learning in keyworker groups:
Mrs Smith and Mrs Harris work with the Lion Cubs
Miss Booth works with the Bear Cubs
Miss Pawley works with the Panda Cubs
We are looking forward to sharing our learning journey with you.
We enjoyed sharing the story Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. We learnt how to use knives safely and made our own bear bread for snack, it was yummy.
Understanding the World - Happy Chinese New Year
Here we are enjoying dragon dancing as part of our topic exploring Chinese New Year. We played the drums setting the beat for the dancing.
Dragon Dancing
Dragon Dancing
We enjoyed noodles at snack time, and during group time we tried picking up marshmallows using chopsticks.
Literacy and Fine Motor Development Here we are learning to write our names.
First we learn to trace our names, then we copy our names. Next we learn to write the first letter by ourselves and then when we are ready, we write our whole name independently.
A Busy Week in the Cubs
It is Winter Time
We have been busy learning all the winter season, exploring the cold weather and all the changes that happen. Here we are exploring ice, learning new vocabulary as we begin to understand how it melts.
We used our imaginations playing with the small world toys, building igloos and learning how to keep warm in a large igloo.
Some of us enjoyed printing and cutting out snowflakes.
We pretended we had snow and melted the cornflour gloop with our hands, just like we had learnt to do with the ice.
Our Special Visitor
Annual Christmas Nativity Service
Christmas Decoration Morning
Christmas Party Time
We all had a great time at our Christmas Party; lots of dancing party games and pass the parcel fun.
Christmas Fun
We all worked so very hard practising for our annual Nativity Play, but unfortunately so many of our lovely Cubs were poorly on the day, so they may be missing from the photographs.
Fine Motor Development - Key Group Time
Here we are practising to write our names. First we learn to trace our names, then copy write them underneath and finally write them all by ourselves.
Fine Motor Development - Key Group Time
Here we are practising to draw an alien, linked to our topic all about space. We are working to develop our hand strength and control of the chalk/pen, in preparation for early writing.
Understanding the World
Happy Diwali
We began our week listening to the story about Rama and Sita and all made Diva Lamps. We explored Mehndi patterns by drawing patterns on hand prints first. All children took part in an activity using paints to draw the patterns on hands. Manpreet came in to visit and decorated Mrs Smith’s hand with Mehndi patterns. A happy Diwali was had by all.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Our Great British Tea Party, October 2024
We have been learning all about London, our capital city and the King and Queen.
We ended our lovely half term together with a Great British Tea Party. We all had a super time playing pass the parcel, musical bumps and enjoyed scones and strawberries ☺️
Key Group Learning Times
October 2024
Understanding the World
We have been learning all about people who help us. We met lots of different adults in school that help us and enjoyed a visit from a Police Community Support Officer.
Key Group Learning Times
September 2024
Enjoying early phonics, making and listening to instrumental sounds, learning to keep to a beat.
Key Group Learning Times
September 2024
Here we are enjoying our fine motor development time - manipulating the dough to make happy and sad faces, developing our hand strength in preparation for early mark making and writing.
Enjoying our first few snack times together
September 2024
Child initiated play
September 2024
Here we are busy getting to know each other…..
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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