
Granby Primary School

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Term Dates

Granby follows the Leicester City Local Authority term dates. Children are expected to attend school 190 days per year over three terms. Attendance is mandatory for all children starting from the term after their fifth birthday. The school is open to staff on five additional INSET days on which children are not expected to attend.

Term Dates 2024-25

Autumn 1

Tuesday 27th August - Friday 18th October

Half Term

Monday 21st October - Friday 25th October

Autumn 2

Monday 28th October - Friday 20th December

Christmas Holiday

Monday 23rd December - Monday 6th January

INSET Day [School Closed]

Monday 6th January

Spring 1

Tuesday 7th January - Friday 14th February

Half Term

Monday 17th February - Friday 21st February

Spring 2

Monday 24th February - Friday 11th April

Easter Holiday

Monday 14th April - Friday 25th April

Summer 1

Monday 28th April - Friday 23rd May

May Day Bank Holiday [School Closed]

Monday 5th May

Half Term

Monday 26th May - Monday 2nd June

INSET Day [School Closed]

Monday 2nd June

Summer 2

Tuesday 3rd June - Thursday 10th July

Summer Holiday Begins

Friday 11th July


Downloadable Term Date Calendar:
